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System to store application configuration


To support a release system that can store references to various application artifacts we need a config system that can store environment variables needed by a specific application (i.e. what is put into .env file). Specifically, we want to make the configurations immutable so once they are refered to from a release system they won't change.


  • Uses AWS Parameter Store as a storage layer for parameters
  • Enforces each parameter needs to be assigned to an application identifier (app-name), an environment identifier (env) and a integer version (ver-number)
  • Once parameters are written with such combination of identifiers acme-config prevents from overwriting them.
  • Allows to retreive parameters for a given combination of (app-name, env and ver-number) and stores it in a local file in .env file format convenient for editing.
  • Allows to set parameters from .env file specified at a file path.

Example usage

Requires setup of a default AWS profile e.g. via aws sso login. Can be specified via AWS_PROFILE env var.

To set

ac set -app-name acme-config -env dev -ver-number 1 --params-path .env

To fetch

ac fetch -app-name acme-config -env dev -ver-number 1